Applying for a School Place in Reception Year
There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admission area.
In the event of oversubscription, places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given:
- Looked After Children and previously looked after children;
- Children with a sibling attending the school;
- Children living in the priority admission area;
- Remaining applications
In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given highest priority.
Exceptional medical circumstances (supported by medical evidence) may override the above (other than Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children).
Published Admission Number: 12
To apply for a Reception Year place for a September start, you will need to complete the local government online admissions form (either Essex or Suffolk) for your address:
Applying for a School Place Outside of the Normal Admissions Round (Mid-Year Admissions)
You can apply to change your child’s school during the school year, this is called a ‘Mid-Year’ place (sometimes called in-year applications). For this you will need to apply through the Essex County Council Site, regardless of where you live.