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Wethersfield C of E VC Primary School


School Day Uniform

Grey trousers/skirts, red polo shirt, and red sweat shirt or cardigan (logo version optional) . In summer months gingham dresses and shorts may be worn.


Black Shoes, suitable for school. No trainers, fashion shoes or boots, please.


PE Clothing
Our children wear black shorts, red polo shirt, plimsolls or trainers. They may wear a black track suit or black joggers for outdoor P.E. lessons. We ask that kit be kept in school, so that it is available every day.


Children should not wear jewellery in school, for safety reasons. Children with pierced ears should wear plain stud earrings only. When taking part in P.E., children should remove their earrings, even if newly pierced. We are not allowed to tape over earrings and so we would recommend that if you wish to have your child’s ears pierced that it is done at the beginning of the summer holiday to allow for healing time. Please be aware that young child find the removal of earrings difficult and we are not allowed to help them so would suggest that earrings are not worn on PE days.


Mobile Telephones in School
Children should not bring mobile phones into school.


Note: Please could all items of clothing be marked clearly with your child’s name.





Uniform Suppliers

Please see our Federation policies page for our full Uniform Policy:


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