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Wethersfield C of E VC Primary School


Our curriculum is brand new and is built upon the 2014 National Curriculum.  We have worked with national curriculum experts including Chris Quigley to refine the curriculum we offer, ensuring that we provide our pupils with the knowledge and experiences they need to succeed.


Wethersfield has developed this curriculum so that it makes links between subjects, deepening knowledge of the world and extending cultural knowledge.  This includes essential books, artists and music as well as general knowledge and understanding of the world.


This knowledge in underpinned by spiritual experiences that seek to connect pupils with the world around them and extend their horizons to see what is possible.  This is reflected in the range of visits and visitors that we plan so that learning is real and can inspire pupils to make the most of themselves.

Broadening Horizons Curriculum

A Parent's Guide to Assessment

Reading and Phonics in Key Stage1

At Chorus Federation we follow the RWI phonics programme. Reading is taught daily within our schools to ensure children leave KS1 able to read confidently and with this develop the love of reading. RWI is a DFE accredited phonics programme with quality training, assessment, intervention and resources. Our staff are trained using the RWI approach and we provide ongoing training and support through practise sessions. We carry out intervention to support pupils to ‘keep up’ with the programme. Children’s early independent reading is exclusively reading the RWI fully decodable books, ensuring that children are only asked to read books with sounds that they know.


The websites below have helpful information and videos for parents to watch to help them to understand the programme and how it works.

End of Year Expectations

If you would further details about the curriculum, please contact your child's teacher in the first instance. Alternatively you can contact the school office:


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