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Wethersfield C of E VC Primary School

Sport Premium

Wethersfield Sports Grant Funding 2022-2023

Wethersfield funding 2019-2020 £





Sports Coach

Specialist Sports Coach for 1.5 days.  Each class to receive one session plus KS2 after school club.


Attendance at sports events

Salary for staff and mileage for transport to attend competitions


Top up Swimming

Provide additional swimming lessons beyond the National Curriculum requirements to ensure a good level of competency for children.


Outdoor learning

Salary costs for member of staff to facilitate outdoor learning for Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 children


Outdoor learning

Transport costs to attend Forest School    £90 per session



Total spend:






Unallocated funds as of December 2019



Sports Grant Strategy 2019-2022


Sports Coach

Specialist Sports Coach for 1.5 days.  Each class to receive two sessions and lunch time activities. 

Sports activity is restricted in line with Covid protective measures.  PE will be outside with contact sports prohibited for the time being. 

Participation at sporting competitions is not possible but options are now available for virtual competitions. 

If the weather is poor, sessions will take place in the classroom focused on sports science – muscles, healthy eating, fitness as well as investigating sports and famous sports people.

Top up Swimming

Provide additional swimming lessons beyond the National Curriculum requirements to ensure a good level of competency for children.

Outdoor learning

Salary costs for member of staff to facilitate outdoor learning for Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 children

Outdoor learning

Transport costs to attend Forest School    £90 per session



Sports Coach and Attendance at Sports Events






Forest School



Swimming Competency in Year 6, 2022/23



No of pupils

No of pupils in cohort


Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres


Use a range of strokes effectively


Perform self-rescue in different water-based situations



No swimming lessons took place in 2020/21 due to Covid-19


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